Do you have a child in Grade 5?

Applications Year 7 2027 are accepted in the student's Grade 5 year (2025).

Year 7 2027 Enrolment Timeline:

Tuesday 28 January 2025 - Year 7 2027 Applications Open

Friday 15 August 2025 - Applications close

Friday 17 October 2025 - Offers emailed to families

Friday 7 November 2025 - Final date for acceptance of Offer

To apply for Year 7 2027 please complete the online application form. 

For enrolment queries contact the College Registrar, Josie Zanic, on 9361 5904 or 


CRCNK is running the Grade 5 Immersion Program in Term2 & 3 where students can participate in Food Technology, Science and Sport activities over three consecutive weeks. Each session commences at 3:45 pm and concludes at 5 pm. A parent/carer is required to attend for the duration of each session and are invited to attend presentations by members of the Leadership Team.

Dates for the Term 2 program are as follows:

Thursday 15 May, 22 May & 29 May

To register for the program(3 consecutive Thursday sessions), choose the initial date, complete the form below and click on submit. Any queries email Josie Zanic, College Registrar, at